2019 Guild Challenge
"Good Night, Quilt"
This year’s Pioneer Valley Quilt challenge contains two challenge variations.
You may pick one or both challenges to participate in, however if you choose to participate in both, you MUST make 2 separate entries (you’ll see why below!).
The Inspiration
Quilts, in their simplest form, hold a very practical purpose -- to keep us warm and comfortable.
One of the most rewarding moments of a quilt’s completion comes from knowing it is tucking in a loved one (or yourself!) at night.
With this in mind, our 2019 Challenge: “Good Night, Quilt” focuses on two variations of “Nighttime.”
Variation 1
A night with no stars
METHOD: No “Star Blocks” or “Pieced Stars” allowed
You may not use any recognizable star block, traditional or modern.
“Non-Star-Block” Stars are allowed, but not required. You are welcome to add these stars via:
Abstract shapes (like squares or circles)
Fabric paint or markers
Embellishments (buttons, beads, ribbon, glitter, etc.)
The winning quilt is decided by vote during the guild meeting
This winner has the 1st pick of the prizes.
Variation 2
a night with many stars
​​METHOD: Star Blocks / Pieced Stars are extremely encouraged!
In fact, you win by having THE MOST out of all entries.
This includes any recognizable star block or pieced star, traditional or modern.
“Non-star-block” stars and other blocks are allowed, but do not impact your final score. These include:
Abstract shapes (like squares or circles)
Fabric paint or markers
Embellishments (buttons, beads, ribbon, glitter, etc.)
WINNING: Counting​
The winning quilt has the highest count of star blocks (no voting, counting only).
This winner has the 2nd pick of the prizes.
General Challenge Rules
for both
SIZE: A rectangle, at least 24” on the shorter side
THEME: Recognizably “Nighttime”-inspired
MAJORITY (more than half):
Medium-to-Dark Blues,
Medium-to-Dark Purples,
Medium-to-Dark Grays,
and/or Black
ACCENT (less than half):
Any Light Colors,
and/or White
Quilt Tops count! Entries are not required to be quilted and bound (though that is of course welcome!)
Must follow these General Challenge Rules PLUS the Variation Rules